
Case 1

Pharmacist Success Story

 تجربة الصيدلي نزار سعيد

Case 2-a

Justin Suares

 تجربة الشاب جاستن سواريز

Justin & Essam

Justin suffered from severe eczema on his legs, and he went from one dermatologist to another hoping to find a helpful treatment for the problem.
The above charts document the situation before and after with a difference of only 8 weeks.

كان جاستن يعاني من إكزيما حادة في ساقيه، وكان يتنقل من طبيب جلدية إلى آخر على أمل العثور على علاج مفيد للمشكلة.  ^^^ الصورالحقيقية أعلاه توثق الوضع قبل وبعد بفارق 8 أسابيع فقط.

“It has been quite several years I was suffering form extreme dryness in my feet; Which almost was healed after a month of using EZA soap “

Michleb Taymour, from Abu-Snan

Case 2

Mischleb Brothers

 تجربة الأخوين مشلب

“It has been quite several years I was suffering form extreme dryness in my feet; Which almost was healed after a month of using EZA soap “

Michleb Taymour, from Abu-Snan

Case 3

Dr. Nizar Khoury

 تجربة الدكتور نزار خوري

“As MD for years that never believed in alternative medicine; This soap has provided miracle solutions for skin problems that conventional medicine could not resolve “

Nizar -Arabic -Testimonial

Case 4

“Nabeel’s Acne Case “

Before Treatment with Eza Soap

Before Treatment with Eza Soap

After two weeks of washing with Eza Soap

After two weeks of washing with Eza Soap

Case 4

“Nurse: Sharbel Dakwar “

After treatment with Eza Soap

Before Treatment with Eza Soap

Before two weeks of washing with Eza Soap

After two weeks of washing with Eza Soap